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  1. don't reply if you're not big enough smh sick ui, customizable aimbot, good looking visuals, a lot of nice and unique misc features sexy staff, GOOD MODPACK smd
  2. ◖ V3 Feature list ◗ ⊹ Legit Tab <<preview ▸ Aimbot Hitboxes▿ (Head, Neck, Chest, Waist, Arms, Legs, Feet) Priority▿ (Closest, Head, Neck, Chest, Waist)| Scan Edges FOV Distance Based FOV Smoothness Type▿ (None, Static, Accelerating, Decelerating) Smoothness Value Smoothness Randomization Silent Aim▿ (Off, Accurate, Always) Silent FOV Disable at Local Velocity ▸ Triggerbot Enable Hitboxes▿ (Head, Neck, Chest, Waist, Arms, Legs, Feet) Priority▿ (Closest, Head, Neck, Chest, Waist) Scan Edges Delay Overshoot Autostop Wallbang Minimum Damage Hitchance Disable at Local Velocity Magnet Triggerbot FOV Smoothness Type▿ (None, Static, Accelerating, Decelerating) Smoothness Value Smoothness Randomization Lock Time ▸ RCS Silent Angle Change Spray Requirement Strenght Smoothness Smoothness Randomization ▸Misc Aimbot (Enable Button/Toggle Key) Retarget Delay Shots until Lock Disable Triggers▿ (In Air, Flashed, Smoke, Unscopped) Wallbang Backtrack Legit AA▿ (Disabled, Always, Enemies, Edging) Max Ping Manual Flip Sway ⊹ Visuals Tab • Enemies <<preview ▸ESP Text▿ (Name, Armor, Body Aim, Bomb, Defusing, Flashed, Kit, Money, Nade Damage, Place, Rank, Reloading, Scoped, Zapped) Bars▿ (Off, Normal, Sliced) Box▿ (Off, Static, Bounding) Box Fill Box Corner Length Rendering Checks▿ (Off, Visible, Audible) Force on Radar▿ (Never, Audible, Always) Bullet Tracers▿ (Off, Beams, Zapped) Aim Lines Out of FOV Indicators on Hit▿ (Body Glow, Hitboxes, Skeleton) History Ticks▿ (Chams, Glow, Skeleton) ▸Extras D-Lights Step Rings Force on Radar▿ (Never, Audible< Always) Bullet Tracer▿ (Off, Beams, Zapped) Aim Lines Out of FOV Indicators On Hit▿ (Body Glow, Hitboxes, Skeleton) History Ticks▿ (Chams, Glow, Skeleton) ▸Models Chams▿ (Disabled, Model, Textured, Flat, Plastic, Clown, Moving, Reflective, Ghost, Overflow, LSD, Vapor, Chandelier, Paint Splatter, Spin Art) Render When Hidden Render When Ragdoll Reflectivity Glow▿ (Off, Normal, Model) Skeleton • Friendlies <<preview ▸ESP Text▿ (Name, Armor, Body Aim, Bomb, Defusing, Flashed, Kit, Money, Nade Damage, Place, Rank, Reloading, Scoped, Zapped) Bars▿ (Off, Normal, Sliced) Box▿ (Off, Static, Bounding) Box Fill Box Corner Length Rendering Checks▿ (Off, Visible, Audible) Force on Radar▿ (Never, Audible, Always) Bullet Tracers▿ (Off, Beams, Zapped) Aim Lines Out of FOV Indicators on Hit▿ (Body Glow, Hitboxes, Skeleton) History Ticks▿ (Chams, Glow, Skeleton) ▸Extras D-Lights Step Rings Bullet Tracer▿ (Off, Beams, Zapped) Aim Lines ▸Models Chams▿ (Disabled, Model, Textured, Flat, Plastic, Clown, Moving, Reflective, Ghost, Overflow, LSD, Vapor, Chandelier, Paint Splatter, Spin Art) Render When Hidden Render When Ragdoll Reflectivity Glow▿ (Off, Normal, Model) Skeleton Remove Model Remove Ragdoll • Self <preview ▸View Model Removals▿ (Hand, Sleeves, Weapons) No Visual Recoil Ignore Zoom Zoom Key Third Person Free Cam Aspect Ratio Debug FOV Viewmodel FOV Viewmodel Silent Angles Viewmodel Push Viewmodel Horizontal Viewmodel Vertical Viewmodel Tilt Viewmodel Roll Walk Trail ▸Models Chams▿ (Disabled, Model, Textured, Flat, Plastic, Clown, Moving, Reflective, Ghost, Overflow, LSD, Vapor, Chandelier, Paint Splatter, Spin Art) Render When Ragdoll Reflectivity Glow▿ (Off, Normal, Model) Remove Model Remove Ragdoll Visualize Fakelag▿ (Disabled, Model, Textured, Flat, Plastic, Clown, Moving, Reflective, Ghost, Overflow, LSD, Pulse, Vapor, Chandelier, Paint Splatter, Spin Art) Draw Fake▿ (Disabled, Model, Textured, Flat, Plastic, Clown, Moving, Reflective, Ghost, Overflow, LSD, Pulse, Vapor, Chandelier, Paint Splatter, Spin Art) Hand Chams▿ (Disabled, Model, Textured, Flat, Plastic, Clown, Moving, Reflective, Ghost, Overflow, LSD, Vapor, Chandelier, Paint Splatter, Spin Art) Weapon Chams▿ (Disabled, Model, Textured, Flat, Plastic, Clown, Moving, Reflective, Ghost, Overflow, LSD, Vapor, Chandelier, Paint Splatter, Spin Art) ▸Crosshair Varients▿ (Aim Level, FOV Circle, Recoil, Spread, Wallbang) No Scope▿ (Off, Basic, Remove Blur) Force Crosshair with Sniper Manual AA Indicators Scope Color FOV Color Spread Color Visualize Zeus Range Grenade Prediction • World <<preview ▸Modulation Fullbright Nightmode Bloom Ambient Props Skybox World Skybox Changer▿ (Default, Cloudy, Dawn, Mountain, Night, Skyline) Custom Skybox Removals▿ (Flash, Fog, Enemies, Friendlies, Local, Ragdolls) No Smoke▿ (Off, Wireframe, Normal) ▸ESP Bomb Timer Flash Timer World ESP▿ (Ammo Box, C4, Defuser, Dropped Weapons, Grenades, Hostage Loot Crate, Radar Jammer, Weapon Upgrades) Grenades Weapons Bullet Tracers▿ (Off, Beams, Zapped) ▸Models C4 Glow▿ (Off, Normal, Model) Defuser Glow▿ (Off, Normal, Model) Grenade Glow▿ (Off, Normal, Model) Weapon Glow▿ (Off, Normal, Model) • Extras <<preview ▸Settings ESP Clear Screenshots Stream Proof Fade Speed Shared ESP▿ (Enemies only, All) Hide Activity ▸Misc Bind list Cheat Info▿ (bomb, Choked, Desync, FPS, Ping, Velocity, Weapon Inaccuracy) Info Bar▿ (Kills, Assists, Deaths, Total Shots, Head Shots, Body Shots, Time, FPS, Ping, Speed, Tick Rate, UID, Online) Spectator list Event Logger▿ (Bomb, Defusal, Dealt Damage, Taken Damage, Purchases, Shot Missed) Velocity Graph ▸Colors (Edit 2D ESP colors) ⊹ Misc tab • Movement <<preview ▸Jumps Auto Bhop Auto Strafe▿ (Off, Legit, Multi Directional, WASD) Edge Jump▿ (Off, Normal, Crouch Jump) Air Duck Jump Status Fake Turn▿ (Off, Back, Left, Right) ▸Assistance Anti Trigger Auto Defuse Auto Pistol Quick Stop Quick Duck Jump Scout Slow Walk Slide Walk Auto Peek Auto Peek Return▿ (On Shot, On Hit) ▸Trolling Block Bot Door Spam ▸Movement Recorder Name Record Render Trail▿ (None, Line, Beam) Playback Playback Type▿ (Look Around, Replicate Viewangles) Recordings • Gameplay <<preview ▸Extras Auto Accept Reveal Ranks Knife in left Unllock Inventroy Unjam Radar Convar Bypasses▿ (mat_postprocess_enable, mat_drawgrey, mat_showlowresimage, mat_showmiplevels, sv_showimpacts) ▸Interactive Name Stealer Clantag Changer Allow Swearing Chat Spam▿ (Off, Slow, Fast Player Info Spam▿ (Off, Team Chat, All Chat) Kill Say Death say Ambient Volume Chat Volume ▸Hit Hitsound▿ (Off, Bell, Bubble, COD, Coil, Metal, Tap, Zapped, Custom) Hitmarker▿ (Two Dimensional, Three Dimensional, Damange, Screen Pulse, Word Display) Preserve Killfeed Ragdoll Intensity Ragdoll Gravity ▸Grenade Helper Name Run Direction Run Time Jump Throw Caputre Vizualization Throw Assist (Off, Location Only, Full Automation) Throws • Lua | Lua Browser <<preview • Walk bot <<preview ▸Movement Enable Bot Take Over Angle Change Speed ▸Targetting Enable Body Aim▿ (AirBorne, Always, Lethal, Shooting Fake ) Disable Triggers▿ (In Air, Flashed) Entity Checks▿ (In Air, Smoke) Wallbang Target Speed ▸Visualization Render Path▿ (Off, Line, Grid) Destination Info ▸Automation Auto Queue▿ (Off, Deathmatch, Casual, Competitive) Map▿ (Default, Sigma Pool, Delta Pool, Hostage) Auto Team Select▿ (Off, Counter-Terrorist, Terrorist, Random) ▸Buy Bot • Players <<preview ⊹ Skins • Inventory changer <<preview ▸Selection Type▿ (Gun, Knife, Glove, Extras) Item Allow Any Skins ▸Preview ▸Selection Name Seed Stattrak Live Stattrak Wear Stickers • Model Changer <<preview ▸Model Replacement ▸Override ⊹ Settings Tab • Configs | Config Browser <<preview • Settings <<preview ▸ UI Menu Toggle Key Connectivity Alerts Zapped User Alerts Menu Sound Volume Health Base Rainbow Speed Rainbow Saturation ▸Appearance Main Background Tint Accent Controls Menu Fade Speed Custom Background ⊹ Home tab <<preview ▸Chat box ▸Recent Activity ▸Recent Updates ⊹ Rage tab • Anti-Aim <<preview ▸General Pitch▿ (Localview, Down, Up, Swap) Yaw▿ (Localview, Back, Freestanding, At Target) Offset Modifier▿ (None, Half-Jitter, Jitter, Rotate) Desync▿ (Disabled, Static, Sway, Back, Peek, Hide) Desync Flip Left Manual Right Manual Back Manual ▸Fake-Lag Method▿ (Factor, Fluctuate, Random) Triggers▿ (Aimbot, Land, LC, Peek, Uncrouch) Fake duck • Aimbot Settings <<preview ▸Aimbot Hitboxes▿ (Head, Neck, Chest, Waist, Arms, Legs, Feet) Multipoint▿ (Head, Neck, Chest, Waist, Arms, Legs, Feet) Silent Aim Autowall Minimum Damage Visible Minimum Damage Minimum Damage Override Hitchance Pointscale Force Safe point ▸Extras Enable Button FOV Visibility Check Force Legit Bot Targetting▿ (Damage, Distance, FOV) Auto Scope▿ (Disabled, Hitchance Fail, Always) Auto Stop▿ (Disabled, Hitchance Fail, Between Shots, Normal) Body Aim▿ (AirBorne, Always, Lethal, Shooting Fake ) Body Aim Key Auto Attack▿ (Knife, Zeus) Ping Spike Resolve Anti-aim
  3. hi guys, so i have used zapped for atleast a week now, and i think its incredibebly good, i havent used any other "big" cheats but i have used some before, and this is 200 times better than them together, theres some bugs here and there, some random crashes, but we have ineffable whos an amazing dev, way better than any else cheats dev... but anyway some times the aimbot feels like its snapping onto heads, or not actually tapping anyone, but maybe thats just me whos a little retarded when it comes to those things. but overall i think its one of the best cheats on the market, and especially for the price. Stay zapped i figured out stay zapped by myeself be proud of me ❤️
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