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  1. Legit Bot - 9/10 The legit bot is very easy to use and has all the features expected from an legit bot nothing special Visuals - 10/10 + 1 bonus point The amount of options for visuals is just crazy, it has visuals from skeet Onetap. Glow looks very cool. I love the fact you can preview what your visuals are going to look like from the menu. I wasnt able to make it so non chams visuals would only show when seen and occluded but dosnt matter. Skin Changer - 9.5/10 Very simple to use skin changer/ inventory changer. Adding stickers is very simple and clean as you can preview the stickers without even applying them to your weapon. Only thing I dislike is there is no changer to add cases/music like spirithack henceforth the -0.5point. Lua - 9/10 Lua is very simple however most scripts when browsing are either broken or useless, I believe their should be some moderation when posting luas. The lua community is semi-active with some very nice people to help . Rage Bot - 2/10 The rage bot is terrible, the cheat would spam fakes or just not shoot. (I used ineffable Config) THIS IS AN LEGIT CHEAT THE RAGEBOT ISNT TO BE EXPECTED. Stream Proof - 10/10 It works! Community - 9.5/10 Support is Fast, Faster then most cheats ex(Aimware, OneTap, Skeet). Community Discord is not the most active but overall the community is nice and chill. I have not run into fake discord nitro bots in their discord so moderation is good. R/csgohacks is very toxic against this cheat, but i found they where too mad an cheat with an bad past can instead of exit scamming they can improve. Menu - 10/10 The menu is very clean and nicely formated, the search bar just tells you the page the item your searching for is on. The menu is very well optimized. Conclusion - 9.5/10 This cheat has improved alot since its past, i was hesitant buying the cheat as for controversy in its past but im happy i have the purchase. The loader is very clean and simple, the cheat is simply just an legit cheat and should not be looked as an multi function cheat. For the price i would recommend this cheat to any legit/new cheater.
  2. Zapped is one of the best legit cheats currently. The visuals are among my favorites, and the lua browser is pretty cool. The rage bot is kind of bad, but thats not what zapped is meant for. The new walkbot is exiting, and I always love when devs are creative innovative. The staff are responsive and respectful (in my experience) Although zapped has been crashing a lot lately, I am hopeful that it will all be fixed im future updates.
  3. Its a good legit cheat. Its customizable, has a good aimbot / visuals and ist honestly one of the best legit cheats I ever used.
  4. don't reply if you're not big enough smh sick ui, customizable aimbot, good looking visuals, a lot of nice and unique misc features sexy staff, GOOD MODPACK smd
  5. Zapped.cc Semirage Media PLease go LIke and Suscribe
  6. Hows It Going Everyone, Today Ill Give My Thoughts On Zapped V3 (This Is All My Thoughts And What I Think Of This Product So Take With A Grain Of Salt) Legit 9/10 The Legit Bot In My Opinion Is A Quality, Its Smooth And Easy to Setup, The Legit AA Has Had A Massive Improvement And Is Now Really Good. One Think That Dose Put The Legit Bot Down A Point Is That Theres No Individual Weapon Section Which We Really Need In the Future! But Otherwise Awesome Job Rage 6/10 Soooo.. My Experience With The Rage Bot Has Been Pretty Good, But Its Not Perfect, Obviously This Is Not A Rage Cheat, And This Section Dosent Set Zapped Apart From Another Cheat, But Im Basing This Section On Some Of The Top Rage Cheats So Dont Feel To Bad. Visuals 10/10 The Visuals Are So Fucken Clean Not Gonna Lie, There Are So Many Options Within the Visuals Section And You Can Customise Them To Anyway You Like. Since This Section Is So Big Im Just Gonna Say That The Visuals Are Probably Some Of The Best. Skins 8/10 The Inv Changer Is Good But Its A Bit Clunky And Dosent Have Medals Or Music Packs, It Also Glitchs From Time to Time Which Is really Annoying, But I Mean Its Only A Inv Changer. Misc 8/10 The Misc Features Are Really Good And Theres Pretty Much Everything You Need, The Movement Side Is OKAY As It Would Be Better If The Was LJ And JB But Over All Awesome, The Movement Recorder Is A Really Cool Feature Which I Was Really Happy To See When V3 Launched, Its Pretty Clean And Dosent Really Stuff Up Much. The Grenade Helper Is Decent But Could Be Better, We Need Smoothing For The Aim Assist And We Need the Nade Helper To Be Recordings, So You Can Select Whether Its A Jump Throw Or A Run Throw Or A Run And Jump Throw Or If Its A Static Throw/Just A Standing Throw, Ive Used A Cheat that Has This Already Developed And In the Client So I Would think Its Not To Hard To Implant Into Zapped, But Yeah We Really Need That For The Nade Helper, Also The Nade Helper Should Have Separate Configs. Thats Mainly It, You Have Got The Settings Tab And The Home Tab But There Basic And Straight forward Although I Would Like To Say That Them Giving Us The Option To Change Font Is Really COOL. But Anyways Thats My Review And In My Opinion Zapped Is Making A Come Back And IS Redeeming Them Self's For What Happened In The Past. SHOULD YOU BUY ZAPPED 100%
  7. Hey, I'd like to start off by saying this is the first time I've used zapped, however, I've been cheating since 2015 and I've used pretty much every legit cheat under the sun so I feel qualified to pick this cheat apart and give an honest review. DISCLAIMER: This is all based off of my opinion and this WILL be an honest, non biased review. Right so lets get into the main reason people buy this cheat. Legit: 9/10 It would be a 10/10 but the only things that bug me about it are very small things such as there not being a dedicated heavy pistol config for legit (however there is one for rage?). Personally I prefer to use different smoothing and FOV for pistols and heavy pistols. The other thing that bugs me is that there isn't a delay shot option. Delay shot is super important for closet configs for weapons such as Pistols and Snipers. Theres no point using aimbot with smoothing with an AWP or Scout when your gun shoots before the aimbot has placed you over the enemy. Other than those small things, the legit bot is amazing, super customizable and easy to setup! Rage: 6/10 (Doesn't bother me as this is primarily a legit cheat.) So, I'm going to be blunt about this. I HvH a lot, I mean A LOT. Unhealthy amounts of HvH. I would never use zapped for HvH even if it's in MM. Don't get me wrong, the rage bot isn't bad, but this is a legit cheat. The resolver isn't great and the AA won't be making anyone dump. HOWEVER, for semi-rage, the ragebot is amazing. Once again, super customizable, easy to setup and honestly, really fucking good fakelag for MM. Visuals: 10/10 2 words: fucking amazing. The chams are beautiful, I love the render check "is audible". This makes this cheat VERY good for closet cheating. You can customize the locations of every ESP option which is nutty and I love it since I spend hours on visuals. The velocity graph is super nice. Honestly there isn't much more I can say other than the visuals are amazing. The 1 thing I would change is the Info Bar. I'd like to see a cleaner, sleeker info bar with a logo. Skin Changer: 9/10 Not much I can say, really nice Inventory changer/Skin changer. Would be a 10/10 if it wasn't so clunky. Misc: 10/10 The misc tab's were the main reason I bought this cheat. The movement options are insane. Built in block bot and door spammer. Oh and the movement recorder. It's super slick and easy to use. It's honestly perfect. The grenade helper is pretty much an overwatch bypass. And I love the different hitmarker options. World display + Damage = nut. Overall: 8/10 Now, it would have been a 9 or even a 10 if it wasn't for the random crashes. I have no clue what is causing them, most of the time it happens if you change config, sometimes it's completely random. It doesn't happen super often, but it happens often enough for it to get a bit annoying after the 2nd or 3rd crash. Should you buy zapped.cc? YES! 100%. As I said, I've used almost every legit cheat since I started cheating in 2015, and for the price, zapped is the best, most customizable legit cheat I've ever used. Thank you for reading my review. Please remember this is all based off of my opinion and personal preferences. -cloud (sleepy)
  8. So, I am going to review zapped fully honest. Here we go... (also i am pretty trash at reviewing things so please dont bully) Menu: 9/10 Its simple, cool and I really like it. It also has config browser which I just love. Legit: 10/10 I always liked the legitbot in zapped, and I still do. It gives alot of customizability to fit your playstyle. If there would be a delay shot option, it would be much much better, but its still amazing. Rage: 7/10 New ragebot improved alot. It can keep up with alot of cheats and in some cases do alot better (haha aimwhere, lol). Its also really easy to set up, and its also super customizable. Still, there should be some improvements on the anti-aim, and on the resolver. Anti aim is a bit off for now. I did manage to get alot of cheats to dump if they only set their cheat to head, but in hvh cheats will prefer body aim most of the times (its still great). About resolver, zapped really likes to shoot jitter anti-aims, and the option "body aim, shooting fake" doesnt really help that much. Overall its super great. Visuals: 10/10 Its super cool, super customizable to your liking, either for legit/rage its super cool. There are alot of cham types too, and I havent seen this many cham types in other cheats. Inventory changer: 8.5/10 Its not really common to see cheats with inventory changer, its pretty cool in my opinion. However still there are some small bugs with it. Sometimes (very rarely) it gets the rarity of the skins wrong, but that happens most commonly with vanilla skins. Misc: 8/10 Its pretty nice, it has some pretty cool features. Like movement recorder, shot helper, fake backwards etc. However I would really like to see a better shot helper. Current one is kinda bad ngl, you have to map the spots for each config and not like movement recorder which is drag and drop. Its hard to position yourself with it too. It also has shot assist which positions you, but it also wants to get your crosshair on the spot, which I think should be a toggle on/off feature. Overall, the misc is great and has alot of features. Overall: 8.75/10 V3 improved alot of things. Legitbot got alot of randomization options, ragebot got super good to the point where it can compete, visuals got more options, inventory changer got added, and misc pretty much remained the same, but with some more extra features (of what I noticed). Boring gave zapped a bad rep, at the start sadly what made alot of users hate on it. BUT the cheat got super good since and I would say go for the cheat, its pretty damn good.
  9. Ga_Tingo

    V3 review

    Visuals - 10/10 Very nice ,many options in my opinion one of the best in cheats legitbbot 9/10 Legitbot for me very good,easy to configure with a good cfg is really P100 RageBot -/- Ragebot is good but not the best i won't say anything more about it because i don't using ragebot fot hvh SemiRage - 8/10 is really good but unfortunetaly when we want aimbot on ak or pistol shot in body we must on body aim always Misc - Really really good Movment recorded 10/10 this is the best in this cheat and i can't say more just the best
  10. Legit-Bot 1. The legit part of V2 is so reliable. 2. It doesn't look obvious if ur not using any walls. 3. The rcs of the V2 is so great. 4. legit aa still need some updates. Rage-Bot 1. I don't use ragebot, but sometimes it hits p100 ngl. Dev is doing his great to make this cheat better Misc 1. Misc is filled with plenty of trolling features. 2. There is no bugs caused by any features of misc Config-browser It is one of the biggest features of V2. Helping new user to download cfg within the cheat and not to search for cfg. So far the cheat is gaining back it's repo after that noon dog incident. Which is good. When I play in low trust factor mm people just ask me what cheat u using. (In closet cheating) I highly appreciate ineffable for making this cheat. He's the only developer of this cheat and he is doing great as a single Dev. I give this cheat 8.5/10 Cuz I still think this cheat is missing some features and some features are yet to be fixed. Discord id: Friker#1537 Lifetime user since August 2019
  11. Over the past few years that I have been cheating, I have owned many cheats. I started out with free cheats obviously, but about a year into cheating, I was tired of getting banned. I splurged and decided to buy aimware. It was still in V3 at the time and honestly it was nice, but it is a cheat made for rage. So for me, I felt like there had to be some cheat that was made SPECIFICALLY for legit. I then started watching more cheating on YouTube, and around this time Onetap become very popular. I decided to buy a 1 month sub and it was amazing for the month that I had it. At least, at the time I thought it was amazing. Then, on to zapped. I scowled the internet for a cheat MADE for legit. Something that I could avoid getting banned by using. I saw how many people on youtube LOVED zapped. So I took a risk, and decided to buy lifetime because at the time it was only $50 which was cheap for me so I decided to buy it. That's when I was struck by heaven. This cheat is CONSTANTLY updated and new things are added every week. I could not be MORE impressed then I am with the features of this cheat. The legit bot can be edited to look almost like you have nothing injected. The skin changer is SUPREME and I am pumped for it upgrading to an inventory changer. This cheat never ceases to surprise me. I don't use visuals now, but back when I did, they were above what I would expect from a legit cheat. I am absolutely not a professional cheater, nor am I someone who does reviews often, but zapped is an exception for me. I have no problem expressing how I feel about this cheat. I love it! Another thing, I am not at all good at creating configs, so the addition of the config browser is legendary in my eyes. (Shameless Plug: 3138 has the absolute BEST legit configs btw). Before zapped, I couldn't go more than a month on a prime account without the cheat getting detected or me getting overwatched. Although with zapped, I have had the same prime account from when I bought this cheat 6 months ago. Zapped can give you the same it has for me, KEEP YOUR ACCOUNTS!!! If you are reading this thinking about buying, I hope you come join us. We are a fun community that would love to have you as a part. #ZAPPEDSTRONG
  12. Legit 9/10 This is the best legit cheat i ever played with it has many features and they work great. Rage 6/10 Its good for wingman HvH but not so good for HvH servers. Skins 8/10 works how it should work. I would like to get stickers for the skinchanger Misc 10/10 Has very much fetures love it. Support 10/10 i had an problem and i opend a ticket on the Discord and got a Answer in like 5 mins
  13. My experience with Zapped was honestly more than pleasing. It had a great menu, good visuals and awesome aimbot. If I had a chance to buy this again I would most definitely take you up on that offer. I rate this cheat 4/5 stars because there's always room to improve and I suggest this to anyone that wants to legit cheat in prime.
  14. THIS IS MY BRUTALLY HONEST ZAPPED.CC REVIEW RAGEBOT: 2/10 (sry) I really do not like the ragebot, in my opinion its just awful. Even though the Legit-AA works perfectly fine, the Rage Fake-Angle is basically ur real angle and if u get hit in ur "fake" head, it registeres as a normal headshot. The aimbot also isnt really that good, for example: If you walk with the scout, it will shoot and the autoslow (even if turned off) will still walk in the same direction. The resolver tbh isnt that bad, it just needs a better aimbot to combine with. LEGITBOT: 9/10 I really do like the legitbot tho, you can configure it so you hit a lot more shots but it still looks like ur legit. The customization of it is really good and u have a lot of features that are really usefull. I oonly have 1 thing to complain: Legit-AA turns its directions sometimes randomly and the real angle just looks sideways which in my opinion just look awful. Overall still a great legitbot. VISUALS: 8/10 I really like the visuals, they also have great customization but also some bugs which are still there (for example the enemies show sometimes that they`re behind a wall even tho they arent). Still overall good visuals. MISC: 7/10 I really like much features, but some are just trash or useless (Jumpscout, DoorSpammer,...). And some dont work like expected. SETTINGS: 10/10 I really like the settings tab tho, it has great customizability for the menu which is not smt every cheat has. The config browser is really useful for people that dont know how to config a cheat and its actually the first time ive seen it in a cheat before so great work. The menu itself is simple and i like it. gooyz.
  15. The legitbot is good and not that blatant and that is good for a legit cheat. HvH is not as good as most unless you have a great config but this is a legit cheat we are talking about 🙂 The Menu improvements to me are better than V1. The Visuals are very nice. Though i have not had any bugs or crashes since using V2 I can not say if anything is wrong. Some Config Browser configs don't work but a few do and I am pretty sure that will be fixed 😄 Review Over. Great cheat overall
  16. Zapped v2 is so much better than what it was, It performs perfectly and it is undetectable. It is easy to configure and has a clean menu. I prefer zapped for it’s price as well, The Legit AA is great if used correctly. legit bot 10/10 Rage bot - It doesn’t perform as well, but it is a legit cheat. If you expect high performance your brain is small. It is there for an occasion, Of course asking to update it won’t help. It is the last thing to be updated 5.5/10 visuals - Unique and clean. It is Everything you could ask for, Definitely private cheat level. 10/10 misc - pretty obvious things bhop, edge jump and etc 10/10 overall, my experience with Zapped V2 has been great. Their has been no problems with it for me.
  17. hendy


    **this is my personal experience with zapped** - this is a text review and it is completely relative and based on my own experience and thoughts, others might rate the cheat higher and look into more detail. im just here to say what i have to say. Legit hacking: it's definitely not bad for legit/closet hacking, and it's got good visuals, as well as it hasn't been detected once through the time i've been using it. skin changer is messy however it has a wear changer and seeds - which is nice. auto strafe has some issues, sometimes after i had turned it off - it was still on and making me move in directions i didn't want to move. edge jump is nice as always, - it actually had a lot of misc features which i LOVED. legit anti aim isn't the greatest but its certainly up there and it works. rage hacking: it can go up against some cheats that are also not meant for raging, but it will get demolished if it goes up against some of the HVH hacks out there, pretty useless but if you're raging against legit hackers and you just wanna win a few of the last rounds in a game then yeah - it'll get the job done. it has auto fire and auto slow etc. which is nice to see though even on low damage settings and low hitchance settings the auto fire had moments where it just didn't fire through walls where i could manually wallbang. ---------------------------------- i've had pretty bad experience with the staff however, - just to give you some context, the cheat used to crash my game in the early days when i bought it, and i got pretty annoyed that i got booted off my game when the score was aprox. 12-13 in a competitive game, after the game i went on their discord server and typed - and i quote ''10$ just for it to crash my game'' . i didn't swear them out, didn't rant - just said that and was met with an instant ban from their discord, i'm not going to point fingers at who could've put this ban out on me, but the admins of the discord server could probably find that out. It does however piss me off so much that whoever banned me couldn't take the smallest criticism from me considering i payed 10usd for their cheat. PERSONAL RATING: for it's affordable price i'd say its something around 6.7/10 it's not the best one out there but as i said previously it'll get the job done.
  18. i like the cheat and every thing but i kinda have problems with crashing with custom models, what i use allot. when i dont have custom models it works perfectly fine, (btw use sv_pure custom models and not the model changer of the cheat and on legit only have a problem with the legit aa that it wiggels and, dont really like the recoil crosshair. cheat legit 6.7/10 cheat hvh/rage 7,5/10 legit hvh 8.3/10 overal quite a nice cheat.
  19. First of all I want to thank everyone who has worked on zapped for their excellent product and customer service. I've used many cheats in my time of cheating in CS:GO but zapped is definitely one of my most memorable cheat clients. I remember seeing a Reddit post on r/CSGOhacks about a new cheat that will be released in the near future. After a couple months of hype building I stayed up for the first official release of zapped and I was immediately hooked. In the beginning I had a few issues but they were fixed by the incredible support team :). Zapped has one of the best interfaces of any cheat I've used and can be customized to your liking. It has a search feature that allows for you to find any included feature. Zapped has amazing visuals and legit capabilities. They also have a large variety of miscellaneous features including a skin changer, model changer, lua executor, and even a block bot. In my opinion, there's no better cheat that you can get for the price that zapped offers their amazing product at. Once again, thanks for the amazing cheat :).
  20. I've used a fair amount of different cheat provider's for cs:go over the last 5 years and this one is hands down the best one due to it's affordability and options. I've only been a user of zapped.cc for one day from when i posted this review but i can hands down say that this is the best cheat for playing legit. Most things are noob friendly which makes it easy to use as long as you understand English. I have no clue about the ragebot as i haven't used it and i'm not planning on using it. But reading what other user's say the ragebot makes it seem like it's not the best. Other than the ragebot not being the best this is the best cheat you can get for basically everything else like visuals, legitbot and misc like bhop. And it's only 9$ if you use a discount code, would definitely recommend to friends over other providers.
  21. My personal opinion on zapped.cc ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Legit tab. As for a legit cheat, zapped impressed me with the easy to use features. Al tho, it would be even better if it had curve, randomizer and stuff like that to make a config even more legit. For 8.99$ you get what you pay. Pretty much a nice and easy to use legit bot. 8/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rage tab. Being a legit cheat, the rage isn't perfect but somehow does good *sometimes* Right now best weapons for rage are scout and awp. Auto sniper needs a bit of work but is fine as how it is. About the anti-aim from rage tab. Needs improvement. 6/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Visuals tab. The visuals are very nice and cool. A lot of settings and customization which makes it stand out from other cheats that are more expensive then zapped. Nothing much to say, the visuals are really cool! 9/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skin changer tab. The skin changer is easy to use and adds a new thing that people don't see on every cheat and that's the sticker "changer". Basically You can add stickers on your favorite skins. (sticker placement from right to left) 10/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Misc tab. Mics tab is another part that stands out from other cheats. In misc tab you can find volume sliders for Ambient sounds, R8 clicks sounds, etc. Zapped.cc offers a new thing that i never saw in a cheat and that's the font changer. ( you can add your favorite font in the cheat ) Zapped.cc offers LUA API and more stuff that I would be here for an entire day writing about! 10/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Overall. The cheat has a total of 8.6/10 from me. Is worth buying but keep in mind that is quite new. Some features are still missing but will be added later. What i think that devs should add in zapped.cc: -Manual aa, fake duck, auto stop settings ( minimal , full stop ), Static points, Multi points sliders for rage tab -randomizer, curves, vertical / horizontal RCS, toggle button for legit aa, improvement for legit aa for legit tab -Molotov, smoke radius circle like onetap has. -kill draw ( first blood, double kill, triple kill, etc.) -reset button for cfg to make a cfg to default settings This was my opinion on cheat cheat. I like it and where zapped.cc is going. I'd recommend it! -stay zapped My english is not perfect sorry if i miss spell some stuff. I tried my best!
  22. LegitBot: Really good not as many features like curve and randomize (this will probably be added later) RageBot: There are better ragebots not the best for hvhing but against blatant "legit cheaters" its good Skinchanger: Really good i really like the fact that the skins dont apply when you take control of a bot. Also the sticker changer is the best one i have ever used i havent had 1 issue with me buying the skin and the sticker not being there only thing i would like is when someone else picks up one of your weapons with stickers they should show up Misc: There are a lot of misc features that are really good Visuals: Really good visual customization Overall: The devs are really good at fixing things and adding new good features i would say this is the best cheat for this price
  23. I have used Inuira, redeye cheats, and aimware lets just say this is my favorite legit cheat out The legit is super easy to set up the legit is simple but very legit looking and great The esp looks great better then inuira the misc is great better then inuira and aimware The rage I have not used The menu looks great Best cheat ever the only think I will change but will change is more luas but they will get added 10/10 will buy the 25
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