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  1. cloud

    Zapped Review

    You are very welcome 🙂
  2. cloud

    Honest review

    I couldn't agree more with the delay shot suggestion! Nice review 😋
  3. Hey, I'd like to start off by saying this is the first time I've used zapped, however, I've been cheating since 2015 and I've used pretty much every legit cheat under the sun so I feel qualified to pick this cheat apart and give an honest review. DISCLAIMER: This is all based off of my opinion and this WILL be an honest, non biased review. Right so lets get into the main reason people buy this cheat. Legit: 9/10 It would be a 10/10 but the only things that bug me about it are very small things such as there not being a dedicated heavy pistol config for legit (however there is one for rage?). Personally I prefer to use different smoothing and FOV for pistols and heavy pistols. The other thing that bugs me is that there isn't a delay shot option. Delay shot is super important for closet configs for weapons such as Pistols and Snipers. Theres no point using aimbot with smoothing with an AWP or Scout when your gun shoots before the aimbot has placed you over the enemy. Other than those small things, the legit bot is amazing, super customizable and easy to setup! Rage: 6/10 (Doesn't bother me as this is primarily a legit cheat.) So, I'm going to be blunt about this. I HvH a lot, I mean A LOT. Unhealthy amounts of HvH. I would never use zapped for HvH even if it's in MM. Don't get me wrong, the rage bot isn't bad, but this is a legit cheat. The resolver isn't great and the AA won't be making anyone dump. HOWEVER, for semi-rage, the ragebot is amazing. Once again, super customizable, easy to setup and honestly, really fucking good fakelag for MM. Visuals: 10/10 2 words: fucking amazing. The chams are beautiful, I love the render check "is audible". This makes this cheat VERY good for closet cheating. You can customize the locations of every ESP option which is nutty and I love it since I spend hours on visuals. The velocity graph is super nice. Honestly there isn't much more I can say other than the visuals are amazing. The 1 thing I would change is the Info Bar. I'd like to see a cleaner, sleeker info bar with a logo. Skin Changer: 9/10 Not much I can say, really nice Inventory changer/Skin changer. Would be a 10/10 if it wasn't so clunky. Misc: 10/10 The misc tab's were the main reason I bought this cheat. The movement options are insane. Built in block bot and door spammer. Oh and the movement recorder. It's super slick and easy to use. It's honestly perfect. The grenade helper is pretty much an overwatch bypass. And I love the different hitmarker options. World display + Damage = nut. Overall: 8/10 Now, it would have been a 9 or even a 10 if it wasn't for the random crashes. I have no clue what is causing them, most of the time it happens if you change config, sometimes it's completely random. It doesn't happen super often, but it happens often enough for it to get a bit annoying after the 2nd or 3rd crash. Should you buy zapped.cc? YES! 100%. As I said, I've used almost every legit cheat since I started cheating in 2015, and for the price, zapped is the best, most customizable legit cheat I've ever used. Thank you for reading my review. Please remember this is all based off of my opinion and personal preferences. -cloud (sleepy)
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