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Everything posted by Hacker399

  1. [URL=https://meettomy.site] Sexy Womans in your town[/URL]
  2. Alright, the skin issue seems to be fixed, I just have to press load on the config section to get them to appear, it only started working after the recent update, however, there are other issues currently being resolved as far as I know. Inventory Changer 9.5/10
  3. So, I came across this cheat in February. And I have had a mostly positive experience with it. Obviously, I have a few minor gripes, but I have that with every cheat. I am going to keep this review short and simple. I will start with features. Features: 9/10 There are so many features that I can't remember off the top of my head, but the features are really abundant. This cheat will probably fit any cheaters playstyle, except for rage, but this is a legit cheat mostly, so its understandable. Not everything is in order. Visuals: 10/10 The visuals is excellent, from chams to ESP. The chams are extremely well done and work great, as well as the ESP. Aim Assist/Triggerbot: 9.1/10 Though while there is always room for improvements, I have for the most part have had no problems with aim or trigger. I will say that sometimes when I am using M1 for aim assist, it kinda stops at the corner of enemy's heads, even with the scan for edges option is completely disabled. Silent aim works as it should. I would only recommend silent aim for extremely low FOV, so there isn't too much suspicion. The triggerbot has a minor gripe. It doesn't always work, even when set to 0. Like i flick right to the enemy's head, it has a minor delay. Other than that, everything is fine. Misc.: 10/10 Nothing much to say here. Haven't had any issues with bhop, door spam, or other misc. options. Security: 10/10 Developer Ineffable seems to be updating frequently, which is great. I don't code cheats, but is there an option where it can make a different build of the cheat every so often? I haven't been VACed or anything as of now. I'm assuming its possible. But I could be wrong. Support: 9.9/10 Its been Ineffable that has replied to support tickets from what I have seen, and seems very supportive of his customers. Overall staff seems to be responsive reasonably enough. Inventory Changer: 8.9/10 One of my favorite aspects of this cheat. You can pretty much put any skin on any gun. That a huge plus for me. You can add agents, another plus. One thing that knocks it down to 8.9 is something on community servers that disrupts the skin changer. It works flawlessly in normal mm. However, on a server I play on, Its eGO's Trouble in Terrorist Town, the skins tend to not work on some or none of the guns knives, viewmodel arms, stuff like that. The only thing I can think of is that its going off of team selection, and not the description of the weapon. However, I don't code cheats, so I cant say for sure this is the cause. If this is fixed, the score will change Performance: 8.8/10 Sometimes it lags, especially on community servers mostly. Normal mm doesn't seem to be affected from what I can tell. This could be just me though and not the cheat. YMMV. One of the biggest gripes I have with this cheat is water. Whenever I am completely underwater, my game crashes, though me and Ineffable have talked, and he says it probably has something to do with prediction and not the cheat itself. Hopefully a fix for this is implemented. Overall Score: 9.4/10 Its far from a perfect cheat, but its excellent and my favorite. I am happy with this product and hope this review gives the coders some positive and constructive criticism, and gives them some happiness. Have a good day or get Zapped.cc.
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