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Everything posted by VeiledXD

  1. [URL=https://matchnow.info] Womans from your town[/URL]
  2. https://ileanafilio.com/cong-ty-co-phan-dau-tu-lien-doanh-viet-anh/ https://ileanafilio.com/tu-dong-viet-hoa-dau-dong-trong-excel-2007/ https://ileanafilio.com/tai-bai-hat-yeu-lai-tu-dau/ https://ileanafilio.com/phan-ky-dau-tu-du-an/ https://ileanafilio.com/su-lua-chon-so-phan-tap-62/ https://ileanafilio.com/cong-ty-co-phan-thuong-mai-dau-tu-va-phat-trien-cong-nghe-sctt/ https://ileanafilio.com/karate-co-nguon-goc-tu-dau/ https://ileanafilio.com/tap-doan-co-khi-xay-dung-thuong-mai-dai-dung/ https://ileanafilio.com/cach-tinh-dau-tu-tai-san-co-dinh/
  3. Been using Zapped for 2 and a half weeks now, what can I say? I love it! Although there are bugs like how even if you add a music kit and you get a round mvp, it does not play the music. About the aimbot, maybe it's just my config but I like how it does not really fight againts my raw aim, which makes it look human. The visuals.. it's good, they have the basics, glow and stuff, though they can still add more features but I am satisfied. About the Inventory Changer, it works like a charm, though sadly music kits and operators don't really work, even if you get mvp in a match, they music does not play, same goes to the operators, when using radio etc, you don't hear they "voicelines" but you hear the default one instead, which is sad. There's nothing really special in the misc tab, although I really like the Movement recorder. And my almost my favorite part in the cheat, the menu, it looks clean and for some reasons I really like cheats with clean and sexy ass menus(dont question me why, pls). But the loader is..., me personally, I'm not a huge fan of it, but I won't complain much since, well, it's just a loader, but I hope they can make it better. And the support is.. well, I never needed one since everything went smoothly. Feature Ratings: -Aimbot: 9/10 -Visuals: 8.5/10 -Skin Changer/Inventory Changer: 8/10 -Misc: 9/10 -Walkbot: Never used it -Menu: 10/10 -Loader: 4/10 -Support: -Never needed or contacted- Overall this might be by far the best legit cheat I've ever used, and the ragebot improved a lot too since V2. Thanks to the developers that made this cheat. Thank you, Zapped.
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